
There's a long list of things tooth edge gunk build-up  and gum gunk/ build-up can cause along with being painful locally as well as throughout the body. If there are other ailments the condition of the teeth and gums can interact with them.

It's known that sometimes people's teeth chatter when they get to cold, have high fevers and more. Everyone doesn't have all the symptoms, it effects different people differently.

  The Ganglion nerve cluster is far reaching in terms of how it connects to the rest of the body that's part of why toothaches can sometimes be felt in other parts of the body, from head to toe so to speak.

Don't under estimate what teeth and gum line build-up can do.

Meridian Charts Knowledge Helps

It's good to keep the meridian chart in mind when dealing with tooth and gum pain and symptoms because of how far reaching the pain can be. It's a similar chart that acupressurist and acupuncturist use. Although acupuncture treatments don't  cause  as much pain and teeth and gums can cause, when you see how things are connected meridian wise it can be validating to see the connection that the teeth nerve system can impact other parts of our bodies. 

Try doing a search for acupuncture charts and or reflexology charts and have a look and decide what you think.


Some dentist are also acupuncturist, if your dentist isn't also a acupuncturist and you're interested in that there are many options for trying that. There are Doctors of Chinese Medicine who do acupuncture as well many other things, there are acupuncturist who aren't doctors and acupuncturist who are also nurses, MDs, Chiropractors, Massage Therapist that can help you by teaching you some pressure points to help deal with dental pain, there's other health care practioners that might be willing to help with this also. Acupressure and acupuncture don't work for everyone, some people react badly to it. But there are people who really like it. 


updated 🌻

More opinions about periodontal disease and heart disease

The doctor in the video clip linked below mentions some interesting things about oral bacteria and the heart.

I have some possible things to consider concerning that. He mentions that some of the bacteria in plaque tested in the heart arteries after heart attacks compared with bacteria in the mouth or oral plaques is the same and believes it comes from the mouth.

           There another dentist who says it comes from the mouth with the act of brushing. I questioned that on my site before, for several reasons. One reason is the toothpaste is advertised to kill these bacteria.

    The next reason is the majority of people in the U.S. didn't own toothbrushes until after WWII and they had major problems with dental or oral bacteria causing health problems  during that time period.

      Does it come from the mouth by brushing? There's a possibility it doesn't or some of the bacteria is from the mouth but it doesn't have to come from brushing  to be in the heart,  knee or other part ths body. What if any of the bacteria were hidden in the nooks and crannies of any teeth and the same bacteria that is in the mouth travels  through the stomach for digestion from chewing  and gets inside the body if the right conditions are there to grow, they flourish?

   The science of pressure points is very old and its interesting to read about. As I mentioned above according the meridian charts the points in the mouth are connected to our entire body and can cause sensations that are mapped out on those types of charts.

     The systemic inflammation caused by build-up on the gingival margin and tooth's edges can also affect those pressure points and cause diseases and hurt. This part of some theories about the whole body approach to health. And these are things that  should be considered and research as possible reason for periodontal disease causing other diseases in conjunction with the other theories.

Link to the doctor mentioned above "Does gum disease cause heart attacks? Really?"   link

Qi is also known as Chi in China, Ki in Japan, Prana in India, Num in Egypt and several other names around the world.


[*my apologies for any writings errors they are corrected as soon as they are found* with cell phone typing some are notorious for inserting words also thx for your understanding.]

Reference News Articles

65 million Americans have gum disease was a headline news story in 2016. And there was a article written about it "Mouth microbes have been implicated in a variety of ills, from arthritis to Alzheimer’s" also it mentions heart disease, strokes this article included information about spirochete shaped dental bacteria causing and or being a additional risk factor for

a long list other diseases according to a article in the Science News magazine which is about the research of many doctors on teeth. You have to be a member to read this article online at their site, but you might be able to find a copy at a library or from a friend who. has a subscription link to the article on their site Link


"You may be surprised to learn that gum infections can lead to serious health consequences, including heart disease, diabetes, and more."  link

Unmet Need In Massachusetts:

59% of seniors with teeth in long term care facilities had untreated decay, with 7%

having urgent dental needs.)  link downloads pdf


Stages Of Tooth Washing

Gums and teeth can interact with other health problems they can also

have similar symptoms as other illnesses.

This can be challenging for people with multiple health problems.

The stages thoroughly gum and tooth washing can be similar to some medical treatments in terms of what some folks go though while getting into the journey of thorough cleaning along their gingival margins and the nooks and crannies in between teeth. For many folks it's about taking the actions they can take instead of suffering through the pain without doing anything, any improvements helps make the situation more hopeful. Especially after they've been told by many dentist removing the painful build up their gums and in-between their teeth they cannot help them with. This is the journey some people take after going through being told that. Many folks do it and continue to look for a dentist that will remove it. Thus far most golks6that I've spoken to about their experiences with this tell me dentist offices aren't set up to do it. They do the yearly cleaning or every 6 months depending  on your situation send then for deeper cleaning to a specialist if they feel it's necessary and they still have to deal doing the extending brushing to cope with the pain. And many folks say their dentist tells them I understand you're in pain but we can't clean the gum any more.  So they're on their own with it.

Of course this is along with your regular visits your dentist, it's not a substitute at all.

Many Health care practitioners will tell their clients to expect to relive or revisit some of their symptoms and they might feel worse before they feel better for some health issues. It's similar to that with extended tooth and gum cleaning depending on what stage a person is in they might feel better right away. For others it may take longer

      It's also like that with boils and some pimples they feel worst before they heal up. And if they have to be lanced, for certain it is going to feel worst before it feels better.

      The Toothwash journey can be compared to many things, it'sa process. Don't give up on your decision to do your tooth wash journey thorough the difficult pain, stay in the groove even when you can't tooth wash anymore for a time or you take a rest from it. Remembering those uncomfortable and or painful sensations from teeth and or gums that need cleaning and healing along the gingival margin, teeth's edges and in between teeth is also staying in the groove, it's important to keep it in mind so you stay clear about what's going on with  some of the uncomfortable  sensations.  When you get back after your rest from it, you might get pass your last plateau. Some times not always but some times changing toothpaste can also do that with the plateau part. Because different toothpaste can work for different stages and different foods eaten. For example someone used Toms Of Maine for years, then they used Nature's Gate then they used Spry each change they noticed another level towards their goal.

Now they buy several different toothpaste  to keep them around for use to clean their teeth after the variety of foods they eat, based on the idea of one of their toothpaste works good after they eat blueberries, the other one works good after they eat tomato sauce etc.

Stay in the Groove enjoy the journey when you can keep focus on your goal

And say some words of support for

the Toothwash House idea 📣

🍎🥕🥦🍑🍅🥑 updated


Gum pain and gum build up can have undesirable effects on the urinary tract, dizziness, sharp contractions of pain, affect balance when standing and or walking (impacted ear wax can also affect a person balance, according to some authors the act of chewing helps dislodge it.), headaches, back pain, joint pain, chills, fevers, cause eyes to water and more. (Eyes sometimes water when spicy foods are eaten so it makes sense that oral build up between teeth could cause that and thoroughly cleaning gums and teeth could also cause you to relive or re-experience that. Eating spicy food is stimulating nerves in our mouths that are connected to our eyes.)

These symptoms decrease or and or disappear completely when the gingival margin/gum line near the tooth's edges, the  tooth's edges, in between teeth and all the crevices are thoroughly cleaned and healed if gums and teeth are the only reason for the symptoms/ pain and debilitating sensations. Also depending on what stage a person is in sometimes the nerves will repeat sensations of the brushing and other movements after you're done with your session but thankfully the nerves don't keep doing the repeating. It something to be aware of and know that other people have experienced these sensation but it goes away. And it doesn't happen often.

Sometimes severe sensations and or pain lessens right away with more brushing and sometimes it takes weeks, months even years in some cases of more brushing to lessen and or end pain and uncomfortable sensations. Each stage of removing layers of old build-up  has it's own set of pains and sensations along with each tooth and each space in between teeth. The old stuff in between teeth around the gum line is especially challenging for many people.

Also if you have injuries or chronic pain you live with, periodontal pain adds to the pain load you already carry  as well, this is important to keep in mind. Chronic pain isn't easy yo deal with.

         The issue we are dealing with is how to safely heal systemic infection, extreme pain caused by old build up on teeth and gums by safely washing/ cleaning the old build up off  without causing more damages so harmful bacteria, inflammation and gum infection  have no place to hide in our mouths and so harmful bacteria  doesn't  cause or increase risk of other diseases in other parts of the body.

         Stay creative and innovative you may discover something no one else has thought of that works very rapidly so it takes less time to remove old plaques, calculus and bacteria from the areas humans and animals have the most difficulty with. I hope the information on these pages inspire you to try new things and put to use some old things you already know about. Who knows maybe you'll discover something that helps you and other people.


All the people mentioned below have something in common:

Remember Vivan Thomas, He  wasn't a doctor but he cured blue baby syndrome while he was working as a janitor and he also taught doctors to do heart surgeries. He had studied medicine, but during the "great depression" he later became janitor. He was awarded a honorary doctor's degree.

And remember Elizabeth Cotten who was told by several people: " I'm not gonna help you because you're playing the guitar wrong, you're playing it upside down." The church she attended when she was younger told her to leave music alone. After becoming a grandmother and in her 60s, she was over heard singing by the Seeger family who exposed her music to the world and  she got help from Folkway Records and now the world knows about  her, that's amazing, she never gave up. link.

And remember  Bette Nesmith who invented liquid paper in 1956 because of typos she made as a typist. The point is all of these folks had ingenuity and they didn't give up on their goals and that matters.

Stay in the groove, keep on grooving,

grooving to the music you love and groovin by getting into all the nooks and crannies in between teeth and around the gum line.

"Cotten’s talents didn’t become known to the world until she was in her 60s." link

A master of folk music

Elizabeth Cotten was counseled by the church she spent a lot of time in to give up her "worldly" guitar music. As a results she had 25 years away from her musical passion. More info about Ms. Elizabeth Cotten link 

I noticed there are music teachers telling aspiring musicians to start where they are, for example bassist &music teacher Victor Wooten is telling folks there's no wrong way to play. He said he's not into telling people they're playing the instrument the wrong way. There are also teachers that teach music in ways that include the way each person learns, so it's not a one size fits all method. This is important after what Elizabeth Cotten and many others went through. Link

More about Symptoms

These symptoms are commonly experienced by people before they start any extended time toothwashing and during their tooth washing journey. All of these symptoms do not happen to all people or all at one time.  When they do occur this isn't a joke, it shouldn't  be ignored or have a bandade of pain pills for the solution. Pills can be useful for short term but be careful of long term use of nsaid pain relief it can cause stomach injury and that risk increases when a person is 60 years old.

Some feel they have to use pain pills because they can't  clean their teeth deeply, and they don't take their need for pain relievers lightly.

Those that are  doing extended   time brushing  to clean in between the teeth and tooth's edge that do experience these types of difficulties some times need pain relievers and continue to work on toothwashing and healing  around tooth’s edges. Please understand with many folks who do take pain pills for these type symptoms the over the counter pain pills, NSAID pain pills only lessens the pain it doesn't eliminate the pain. so they're not pain free even when they smile and chat with you. Pain alters people's lives and the more people understand this, the better they will able to befriend those who live their lives in pain.

Some of the the teeth and gum areas have several stages of cleansing before it's healed and pain free. Some teeth have different stages and different types of pain and sensations they send out.

Don't take this type of pain for granted or talk yourself out of brushing if you're experiencing severe pain even painful  contractions. There are cases where a tooth was sending out or causing cramping and contraction type pain and the person got their manual toothbrush and brushed with one hand and held the area of their side where the pain contractions were and with the other hand and got things to calm down until they got home to brush with their battery powered brush.

When they were at home when  this type of thing happened  they had to stop what they were doing and brush  some more to get  the pain calmed down. That's not uncommon don't let that part frustrate you and cause you put your battery powered toothbrushes in a drawer and forget about it, keep going on your ToothWash Journey.


There are times when folks have had to get off the road pull into a town and stop driving and start  brushing to stop or ease pain so they  could drive safely it even helped to  brush with their manual brush thats all they had they brushed for 5 or 15  minutes so they could drive again and  get home to use their powered brush. Be safe and careful take it seriously if you feel severe tooth pain while driving pull off the road if you need to.

          With extended time brushing you can

create your own private Tooth Wash retreat and severe pain

happens less and less until it gets to the place when it doesn't occurr at all.

Stay in the groove

Keep on grooving

Wishing us all the best

ToothWash Journey

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