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About The ToothWash House

I started putting this information online before I was done removing athe layers of surface build up on my teeth & in between my teeth & gums. I started calling my extended brushing times the ToothWashHouse.

      I based my decision to put this online, on the other people I saw suffering due to the build up around their gum line and in between their teeth also, the frustration due to not knowing of a dental office that actually removes all of it, and frustration i saw  and was told about by some people who said they were frustrated due to the thick layer stuff not coming off right away when they used their battery powered toothbrush and thinking it doesn't work and putting the battery powdered toothbrush away in a closet or drawer.

Some of that frustration  is due to the misleading ads when battery powered rotating bristles toothbrushes first started to be advertised.

Also it's based on what people have said over the years about the issue concerning how dentistry is practiced. There's many talented dentist and wonderfully skilled dental professionals who are wanting improvements in the way dentistry is practiced and are advocating for changes.

I'm also motivated after losing a few teeth to keep learning more about what the average person can do to improve teeth and gum health. One of my favorite show host team on YouTube the Happy Heathy Vegan. The show host Anji and Ryan. I liked them even more when Ryan shared that he lost a a tooth. He mentioned he lost a back tooth due his love of dates. He did not say he has gum disease but having a tooth removed is some thing he takes seriously. Those who don't have gum disease have to do the best they can to prevent it. And those who do have gum disease to the point where it's debilitating they have to take extra time to do through cleaning their gums and teeth no matter what they eat, especially after eating things like dates. The tools are getting better and still need improvement.       

    Remember the article about how even the most diligent tooth brushers sometimes get cavities in their back teeth? Its one of the common places people get cavities.  Back to topic of their show. 

They have a interesting show that about being vegan and really not really about tooth and gum disease, but I'm glad the subject of tooth removal was mentioned.  Tooth and gum care is part of being human. Plus there is discrimination towards people who have missing teeth especially when the empty tooth space can be seen easily when they smile or talk. Hopefully this will change the more the public is educated about dental health. 

Once I  saw improvements in my teeth and gums I decided I would take people with me on my ToothWash journey by putting this  information online along w/links to articles a d videos.

And to acknowledge and encourage the many people who were on this journey before I started it.

Updated April/2022 🥬🥕🍑🍇🍎🍌

Now I have worked on it for years, approximately a bit over 6 years. I have about 95% of the camouflage build up removed from my teeth surface and still working on "in between the teeth; the sides of the teeth plus the gum areas" and I still have less pain, a lot less, but  not no pain yet. Of this doesn't include the times after I eat something that leaves a residue, which normal for most people, if you talk to them shortly after they eat something there's visual food in their teeth. 

Areas  in between teeth and rear teeth are more difficult to brush and clean and massage the gum area in between & the side teeth, its s challenge but I believe its worth my effort.

Even though our journeys are individual and separate there's a common connection  when you know other folks are on that journey as well. So don't let your battery powered toothbrush sit in a drawer somewhere due to frustration, take a adventure, do some ToothWashing  and don't back off, get in the groove, along the tooth's edges, all along the gum line and neck of each tooth and keep getting in the grooves. It will help you on your toothwash journey.


Happy healthy vegan teeth, dates and dried fruit. "How To Avoid Fruity Dental Problems" on YouTube

If you want to check out some of The Happy Healthy Vegan Show episodes search for " " in the YouTube  app and you'll find them. The link above is to: Their Happy Healthy Vegan show on: How To Avoid Fruity Dental Problems" on YouTube

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