
There's a lot of information out there all of it doesn't work for every situation. I attempted to list some different opinions.

Gum Recession

Gum recession can be caused by plaque, calculus /old tooth gunk build up, age and injury.

    Also there is the camouflage build up that can and does occur near the gum line and often when it's removed some folks look like they have gum recession. It's not always the case some folk's gum line is naturally like that. Inflammatory gums are also a factor often caused by the sodium accumulation factor that puffs things up including gum tissue and when sodium intake is lowered they are sometimes told they have gum recession also when the puffed up stuff goes away. When people reach age 50 they're told to lower sodium intake it shouldn't be a forgotten factor.

There are dentist with several points of view on this topic. Some of them say you have to brush your gums to strengthen them. 

And some dentist say avoid brushing your gums, because of possible recession caused by toothbrushes and Some say use soft brushes. And there are some dentist who say don't worry about brushing to long, if you're getting results and less pain don't stop brushing.

There's hard, medium and soft bristle toothbrushes. There's several studies about this one was done in Germany part of their conculsion is; "In the A group, the soft-bristle toothbrush [0.41 (0.35–0.44 μm)] led to higher dentin loss than the hard-bristle toothbrush..." This study  backs up what another dentist states online about tooth whitening and enamel, he states enamel isn't destroyed by whitening because enamel is stronger than bone. The research study mentioned above states in writing that their research is controversial. Link to research study, here

The stuff on this site concerning gum recession and the use of medium, soft or hard bristle toothbrushes is about medicinal cleaning and about stopping a source of pain and stopping an additional risk factor for diseases caused by plaque build up and stopping it without causing worse damage, so 50 percent of adults in USA won't have periodontal disease.

Many dentist still recommend soft  bristles only because they're concerned about gum recession, so be careful and find out what works best for you & your situation. It will be interesting to see what the results are from  more research studies about it.

Dr. Joseph Nemeth on Brushing and Gum Recession

Dr. Nemeth suggest that folks use a soft bristle toothbrush, don't brush the gums if you have gum recession, link

Dr. Mike Glasmeier Can Massaging Gums Reverse Gum Disease?

Dr. Glasmeier mentions brushing the gums to strengthen them and doesn't  talk about gum recession in this clip but gives some important info also link

Brushing and Preventing Gum Recession Manual and Electric Toothbrushes link

Dr. Nemeth Treating Gum Recession in this clip Dr. Nemeth mentions something about a clean freak as the reason people brush for any extended time, but he doesn't mention pain. That's very odd that he didn't cover that because that's a major reason  many people do extended brushing they feel better and sometimes that extended brushing is what gets them through some of those tough times of pain. Dr Nemeth did mention he uses a microscope to find harmful bacteria in the gums and that he's certified to do certain type of treatment to heal gums and kill bacteria in a different clip i recently noticed I'll get the link for that soon. He's not in evey state, it might be possible find dentist in whatever place you that offer that treatment if you think that might work for you. In this clip he mentions some folks have thicker gum tissue and other stuff. Link

Dr. Austin Deep Cleaning And Removing Stains Dr. Austin gives some instructions about brushing and recommends using baking soda and shows how to use it. link

LDA. Michelle McPhail  (Licensed Dental Assistant) "Teeth Whitening & Oral Health : Does Baking Soda Whiten Teeth Soda Whiten Teeth?" link

eHow Health Says baking soda is okay some times but gives warnings, in their opinion it shouldn't be used alone and explains why

"Dental Care for Teeth & Gums : How to Brush Your Teeth With Baking Soda" link

Not everyone agrees with using sodium on teeth, it doesn't work well for everyone, here's a link to more information about that link


When it comes to time, when you brush longer than two minutes,

" ignorance  and  improper methodology  can cause more harm than any good, most important aspect of this is  “excessive  force”  application  by an  individual while toothbrushing.." This research study backs up the dentist who states;  it's the pressure, if you apply to much pressure it will cause problems, she states brushing longer won't cause problems if you don't apply excessive pressure. Dr. Anna Guarna, a dentist for over twenty years in Connecticut. Dr. Anna Guarna was quoted in a  article I read  this years ago saying this. Link to research study quote above is on reseach study page


"High frequency and long duration of toothbrushing can potentially reduce the risk of common systemic diseases in late adolescence" Link to research study


"In other words, the risk of periodontal diseases decreases as the frequency/duration of tooth brushing increases. From the perspective of preventing periodontal disease, brushing “three times or more” a day, “4 min or more” each time would be recommended." Link to reseach study

This study is about young people. However long toothbrushing session works for older people as well. There use to be a couple of studies listed online but they're no longer showing in a internet search.

   BI hope there are more research studies done on this because there are millions of people who brush for longer than 2 minutes because they feel better. Its not because they're obsessed with brushing its because it hurts and they feel better when they brush longer than 2 minutes. It some times takes longer than 2 minutes to angle the toothbrush to hit the correct spot when reaches in-between teeth. The Interdental brushes don't always tilt and pan so to speak like the elongated spinbrush does. I think dental health practioners should consider the people in this category who are careful not to apply excessive pressure and cause gum recession or tooth erriosion. It's important to consider and provide patients with the type of care they need and just dismis their situation and health condition and deman 2 minutes and proclaim one time length applies fits all situations when it isn't true.

In some situations people shouldn't brush at all so it cannot be one time length fit all situations. 

Talk to your dental health care provider and let them know what you need when it comes to length of time because what older adults needs to be documented by them so they can keep records of how many of adult, and older adult patients are brushing for longer times, shorter times or not at all.

Be kind after all they're coming to the dentist for dental health services. They didn't go to a gynecologist for their teeth, they went to the correct doctor.  And you don't always know why someone  has whatever dental health issue they have. Life happens and that's real, and it doesn't happen for everyone the same way. Humor helps 🙂


"Lack of toothbrushing for seniors in nursing homes a serious health risk. 

This article shares some important information. The reason given for the lack of dental care for hospitalized and nursing homes is medical insurance, no one in the United States should be going through anything like this.

If we don't change how health care is paid for in the United States even more people are going to not have dental care. Most countries in the UK have universal medical so no one goes without the necessities like dental care. And again my ToothWash idea comes into focus again when I read nurses and nurse's aids are overwhelmed with other responsibilities or they are specifically skilled in this to do a effective job. Trained Tooth & Gum Washers could do this and be of help to doctors, nurses, dentist and nurse's aids etc. And a Gum & ToothWash House could take appointments and send tooth washers to the locations. I hope Dental professionals will consider adding this to their career training as a certification program to specialize in.
 Link to written information 

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