
The Fluoride Decision

There's on going debates about whether to fluuoridate water in the United States while many countries have already stopped fluoridating their water due to the health risk. I mentioned fluoride in another section and tossed out the idea that for folks who don't use fluoridated toothpaste maybe drinking in water would make up for that not bring in the toothpaste. After refreshing myself on the topic of fluoride in water I will eventually remove that tossed out idea. There's some important research to pay attention to about ingesting fluoride and the health risk it can cause.

Why Is There Fluoride in Water? Is It Effective?  Dr. Greger shares scientific research that says fluoride is better applied to teeth directly in toothpaste instead of ingesting it in drinking water. Nutrition Facts Link


Research Study Aluminum Synergistic Relationship With Fluoride In Scotland 

They collected water samples to see if their residential water's levels of aluminum and fluoride had an impact of increasing risk of dementia.

According to a study in Scotland fluorine increases the absorption of aluminum. Study results showed 1972 out of 6990 people developed dementia.  The study in Scotland come to the Conclusions: "Higher levels of aluminium and fluoride were related to dementia risk in a population of men and women who consumed relatively low drinking-water levels of both." Low like "P < 0.001)" that's pretty low, but it increases dementia risk. Link to study. (According to info online Scotland does not fluoridate public drinking water, if that is true this study was possibly done on trace amounts of naturally occurring fluoride or fluoride present due industrial waste).

This study was a longitudinal study they used the "Cox Model or Method" "Methods to Analyze Time-to-Event Data: The Cox Regression Analysis Link to info about the Cox method.

So be careful about using aluminum water bottles to store drinking water. Fluoride can be found in some springs, spring water and well water also can contain fluoride. Because naturally occurring fluoride has caused health problems in some areas,  people are using various methods to remove harmful things from their water. 

Which Countries Fluoridate Their Water?

Many countries in Europe do not fluoridate drinking water. Some countries do fluoridate salt and milk but not the water. And some countries don't add fluoride at all. Link

 Health . com states you can safely  drink distilled water. "... it's important to consume it as part of a balanced diet containing mineral-rich foods like fruits and vegetables." Which is something we all should do anyway. link

Some people make herb teas with it that adds minerals and some people make veggie minerial broths that they include in their cooking so they're always getting alot of minerals. You can also just add one tea leaf to put minerals in its does have to taste like tea. You can just add it to a individual glass or serving so your water container that you store your distilled water in doesn't grow any bacteria. That way you're added the minerial you want in your water from plants, especially if they're organic free if toxic metals

Distiller filters: activated carbon filters from  Agriculture Solutions link the activated carbon filter sachets or packets aren't that easy to find good deals on but this one seems like a good deal, make sure research it for yourself. Activated carbon is said to be better than activated charcoal. Activated carbon can be made from coconut shells, cotton and several other plants. Whether you use carbon or charcoal they should be primed. To do this, they sould be rinsed or soaked in water until the water is clear. The water will taste much better. Some folks like to  prime their filters by running it through the distiller once & then dump that water. However the next cycle of use in the distiller the filter can be tasted. So it's best to prime the filter in a container before using it in the distiller until the water is clear, it uses less electricity and you're  only drinking pure water, not the stuff that should be primed out. You'll see the color of the water when you prime or flush out your filter to get it ready to use.

None Of These Alternatives For Pain Will Work For Everyone But They're Worth Reading About To See If Any Work For You

Cramp Bark tea is good. Some times people use it instead of over the counter Nsaids pain relievers, Cramp Bark tea is good with soy milk. Drink it with a straw to keep the majority of it away from your teeth because it will cause surface stains. If it hurts the stomach take it with food.

If you're allergic to asprin don't use it according to some authors. Be careful and research it for yourself.

  Cramp Bark is good for many types of pain. As with all pain relievers careful not to take them to long, many professionals warn not to go over 7 days unless advised by your health care practioner, it good to stop the source of pain when possible. Be sure to let your health care practitioner know if you experience any side effects from taking any pain relievers,  link

Clove:  topically on gums is helpful to some folks. Clove comes in whole, chopped, powder, oil and extract. Tom's of Maine and Auromere has Clove in some of their toothpaste. Clove doesn't  work for everyone, some folks actually do not like using it on their teeth or gums and avoid tooth care products containing cloves.

Some folks like Clove oil but did you know there is a dentist who warns about using it, she says it will kill the nerves be careful. Link to Dr. Ellie Phillips' video clip where she mentions it along with alot of other info. The clip is about gum recession but clove oil is mentioned briefly. Use the information that applies to you and check out some of the other opinions,  look for research studies to help you decide what's best for you.

Chicory root is a anti-inflammatory if you don't want to use roasted chicory get the dried unroasted root to make teas, tinctures or caps.

Help With Bacteria, Germs and  Infection

Bacteria, germs, infections and inflammation can cause pain so it's important to address those things with more than pain relievers so the pain doesn't become severe and so the cause can be dealt with easier. It's easier to brush and clean when there's no inflammation and or infection.

Prescription Antibiotics

Prescription Mouth Rinse and more

Without Prescription

Echinacea Root or Extract

The tea is good for many things it helps the body's immune system. Some like the tincture better and some folks perfer to mix the root with other roots and make their own blend.

Google AI Overview- "Echinacea has been shown to affect the severity and duration of gingivitis and dental plaque." ... "One study found that echinacea solutions were more effective than chlorhexidine mouthwash at reducing oral microbial flora in hospitalized patients." Consumer Report tested Echinacea pills one of the brand's they listed that was tested free of lead is Oregon Wild Harvest Organic Echinacea purpurea. CR didn't test the tincture. This brand does have pills and a tincture. I perfer Echinacea purpurea instead of Echinacea Angustifolia. I think the purpurea give better results. Their tincture is probably ok as well because their organic tincture is made from the same organic plant that is ground into powder thats inside their capsules.

Natural Dentist Toothpaste with fluoride has echinacea in it, their fluoride free toothpaste doesn't list it in the ingredients on Amazon. Adding a few drops of echinacea tincture to the toothpaste might work, or a mouth rinse. As of now it has not been shown to cause strokes & heart attacks. I hope more research is done soon maybe it can help replace xylitol since xylitol is said to possibly cause strokes and heart attacks. Right on for echinacea.

⚠️ There needs to be more studies and test on organic echinacea root for heavy metals and the bioavailablity of heavy metals. This applies to all the plants we eat and use in and on our bodies, our pets bodies and in our homes & gardens. 

Garlic Helps Block Lead Absorption And Lead Removal 

Organic Garlic powder & Organic Garlic raw and cooked helps the body block lead absorption and will also go after old lead stored in the body. So it's important to include garlic in our dietary intake because so many things have high lead levels. Water helps the body's removal of cadmium, lipoic acid helps get rid of mercury. Some folks say only R-lipoic acid works while others say they both work. Doctors Best brand has a good price on a bottle of lipoic acid thats not sealed with aluminum foil.

Garlic helps get rid of many bad germs and bacteria while it helps strengthen the body and it's good for a lot of things. Garlic will also raise good cholesterol levels, raising good cholesterol to high is not good. It can also cause heart attacks. So more in this case is not better. So don't take super high doses of garlic, you have to take high doses to raise HDL to  unsafe high levels. But everyone's body has different levels of sensitivity beware of your body's, do your own research on all the herbal & medicinal products you use look for scientific research articles check out studies, check whether they are peer reviewed or double blind studies etc. Its important for safety and over all well being to keep learning plus it keep life interesting. 

Medical News Today: List many foods that help with reducing or removing heavy metals from the body including garlic, broccoli, brown seaweeds,  even fiber and many others. "Dietary fiber: Various foods rich in fiber, such as fruit and grains with bran, may help remove heavy metals. Researchers have found fiber to reduce mercury levels in the brain and blood." Link  (brown seaweeds:"Common names: kelp, rockweed, brown macrophyte.")

Nigella sativa or Black Cumin Seed: is used in herbal medicine worldwide, people use it as a protective agent, to  block heavy metal absorption and to remove heavy metals from the body,, it also has many other helpful properties. This research  study confirms some of those the worldwide herbal medicinal uses, except the claim that it blocks intoxication, for this the researchers say more research is needed to find out the effectiveness of Black seed blocking that. Quote from the reseach study and link to research study info:  "This review summarized several in vivo and in vitro studies in order to realize the role of N. sativa and its bioactive component, TQ, in inhibition of food toxins related toxicities in different tissues. Heavy metals, antibiotics residue, food processing toxicants, mycotoxins and food additives are examples of natural and chemical toxic agents in foods that can be prevented by N. sativa and TQ. N. sativa and its bioactive components could protect different tissues against food toxins through numerous mechanisms as well as free radical scavenging, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, amelioration in the disturbed levels of biochemical indicators, modulation of antioxidant defense systems, prevention of apoptosis and controlling effects on genes expression, and different signaling pathways. N. sativa has also ability to protect different organs and tissues such as kidney, liver, gastrointestinal, lung, heart, blood, brain, and reproductive system against toxins.
In conclusion, based on the present review, N. sativa has a wide spectrum of protective activities against food toxicants induced toxicities. Therefore, N. sativa can be introduced as a supplement in the daily diet of individuals for inhibition of food toxins side effects. Also since there are not enough clinical trial studies on human, further investigations are required to determine the efficacy of natural products as a protective agent in human intoxication." Sime people use the Nigella Sativa/ Black Cumin Seed in a powder form and some people use the oil form. Nutrition Facts Dr. Greger has a videos about this helping thyroid function also in one of those video he mentioned that people got results with less than a quarter of a teaspoon of the Black Seed ground into powder.

Link to reseach info on Nigella Sativa Black Seed Cumin

All of use Cumin lovers can enjoy singing: I'm Cumin out, I'm  Cumin ... even more now 🙂


Peppermint often in many toothpaste as flavoring. Its in several forms; oil, fresh herb or dried in tea bags or loose herb. Peppermint is a mild pain reliever as well as endurance builder a breath fresher and more

Hydrogen Peroxide kills some germs make sure to dilute it correctly.

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