
Welcome To The ToothWash House

   Page updated July-2024

Link to  photo of art work that you can enlarge and see more details 

🦷🦷🦷🦷🦷✍🏾This is a  public service type research sharing on these webpages dedicated to all the people who  struggled with oral health care and weren't taken seriously, those who lost their lives to periodontal diseases. To all the dental health care providers who advocate for everyone to have access to dental health care and education about dental health and to those who didn't always have access to the over the counter products we have access to currently but survived the difficulties and educated their families as best they could to prevent periodontal disease. Thank you for visiting this website ❤

"For one, the microbes that live in the mouth don’t stay in the mouth. The simple act of brushing allows bacteria clinging to the teeth and gums to leak into the bloodstream." From the Science News article: Gum disease opens up the body to a host of infections

"Brushing gets bacteria into the body" This is something many question.  Is it really brushing that is getting oral bacteria into other parts of our body? Most people rinse &  brush with mouthwash and  toothpaste that the manufacturers claim have ingredients that kill dental bacteria, so is it really brushing that gets living dental bacteria into the rest of the body, and is it possible these products don't kill any harmful dental bacteria? Or is it the spirochete shape of some dental bacteria that allows the bacteria to work itself into our body? And are the other dental bacteria getting into our bodies when we eat food and drink water? These are questions that deserve answers also. Do foods with high fiber help scuba our teeth and gums and remove bacteria from our mouth and enters our body when we swallow the foods we chewed?

Another scientist written about in the same article states: "One aggressive pathogen, an organism called Porphyromonas gingivalis, has antennae that stick out and can pry open the space between two cells, Borgnakke says. “This is a really, really nasty bug.” Within minutes of invading blood vessels, P. gingivalis and its gang of accomplices are ferried to distant sites, where they can set up outposts. “Bacteria that normally live in the mouth are found in every organ in the body, and even muscle cells,” she says." From the  Science News article: Gum disease opens up the body to a host of infections"  I got excited when this article was printed, because it's important information  to remember to include in our health awareness, I decided to quote from it and refer folks to it alot because this article is worth reading many times.

Welcome To The ToothWash House

These pages are  about doing extended time brushing, safely brushing for longer for those feel they need to. These pages are also about  providing some additional ideas on the topic.

"85 percent of heart attack patients have periodontal disease. Simple dental care, could help promote a good long life. It is also been said that the seventh leading cause of death for people with diabetes is gum diseasePeriodontal disease worsens diabetes and vice versa." 

"65 million Americans have gum disease" was a headline news story in 2016. There was a article written about it "Mouth microbes have been implicated in a variety of ills, from arthritis  to Alzheimer’s" also it mentions heart disease, strokes this article included information about spirochete shaped dental bacteria causing and being a additional risk factor for a long list other diseases according to a article in the Science News which is about the research of many doctors on teeth.

   "Wenche Borgnakke, a dental researcher at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, she has been making this case for years, citing “solid evidence that periodontal treatment has an effect on systemic disease.”

Link to Science News article: "Gum disease opens up the body to a host of infections." Some quotes above from article By Laura Bell link  

Gum health could be a risk factor for dementia, study suggests link to CNN news July/2020 article 

"85 percent of heart attack patients have periodontal disease. Simple dental care, could help promote a good long life." Link

2016 note* Recently while listening to the radio I noticed a commercial for dog dental care. It said when dogs have missing teeth it can effect their organs. Some human beings have been being dismissed over saying that's happening to them for decades. This is wrong. Things are getting better because at least it's acknowledged about dogs. I'm sure people will demand  it's acknowledged more and taken seriously for humans too by everyone including health care practioners.


This year a article came out which said; "A study has found that people with active periodontitis, or gum disease, have a greater risk of experiencing major cardiovascular events, such as heart attacks  and strokes." Link There's other articles about this that date decades back and are in disagreement with dentists who refused the information completely by saying things like: "we sure pulled alot of teeth and we didn't stop heart disease." They obviously didn't pull gums from people's mouths so I'm glad the dental doctors, scientists, all the dental health workers have continued to research this topic, because many people not all but  a very large number know what they feel and where it's coming from, when it comes to pain radiating from their teeth to other parts of their body. We just need to go over how some of folks were said to believe it was an old wives tale because they said the dirt was healing for decades their claims were dismissed.  As it turns out "Streptomyces Bacteria found in ancient Irish soil halts growth of superbugs" (not only were they correct in saying it was healing). The bacteria in the experiment killed four out of the top six organisms that are resistant to antibiotics." And we need to go over how the Dogon people in Africa knew about the star Sirius B before modern scientist did, their knowledge was also dismissed and later proven to be true. So the dental scientist working the research about gum disease causing other disease snd chronic health issues need to keep going, some day it will be proven to be true and confirm what so many people already feel and know about how their teeth & gums impact their health.

And the dental health researchers who know periodontal disease and inflammed gums can cause systemic health problems throughout the body and thoroughly cleaning the gums in between the teeth is a major difficulty for millions around the world due to the limitation of tools we have in dental offices and those available in stores to the public without prescriptions. We're better off with what we do have compared those folks who were several generations before us, but we should never forget as I've mentined before, during ww2 the majority residents in the United States didn't own a toothbrush until after ww2. We're better off but still room to improve which I'll go into more later.

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"Nearly 75 percent of American adults

suffer from various forms of periodontal

(gum) disease and don’t know it." Link downloads as a pdf


Camouflaged And Finding Yourself

     Your tooth's edge and gingival margin can camouflage making it difficult to see the tooth edge and gingival margin clearly.

    Don't let camouflage build up on the tooth's edge and gum line hide sources of pain. Gentle thorough cleaning can help you identify camouflaged build up so you can decide if or how you want to remove the camouflage build up that looks like gum tissue but it's not.  

Watch "Meet the Dentist:  Meet Dr. Raymond Gist!" talks about dental care for people of color, people with disabilities and everyone he state it is easier to keep them healthy because teeth are the gateway to the body, link

Older women with gum disease face higher risk of early death, study says: "older women, having a history of periodontal disease, a serious gum infection, presents a 12% higher risk of premature death from any cause, while loss of natural teeth is associated with a 17% higher risk, the researchers say." Link to CNN article

Millions reported problems with dental implants"  lots of claims on the FDA website.  There are some dental health care professionals who insist on telling people there's no problems with metal being placed in the body and ignoring complaints from people snd physical symptoms of gum infections due their gums reacting to the metal implants.

Not all of the health care professionals are saying this, some of them are telling the truth and saying its important to remember foriegn objects are not always accepted by the body, and does not work for everyone. 

Drawing: The Ganglion The Nerve Cluster Band link to drawing here

 (About the band name; it was chosen to increase awareness of our body and our dental health).

 The Ganglion nerve cluster in the mouth is far reaching in terms of how it connects to the rest of the body, meaning the pain signals or signals of  gum or tooth related pain connect to our entire body, the ganglion nerve cluster can transmit those signals to many parts of the body. It is a intetesting nerve cluster system to learn about.

  The  People who Tooth Wash or who do extended time cleaning their gums and teeth to manage gum disease. know If you eat the correct amounts or the RDA amounts of fruits and veggies and juices even if you drink the juices, vinegar drinks, lemonade, coffee, wine, teas and other beverages with a  reusable straw to lessen what gets on their teeth or no juices at all, it still takes many people longer than 2 or 3 minutes to remove residue left after eating food and drinking beverages, that doesn't include working on gum strengthening and removing old build up in between teeth and along the gum line, that's the extended time part. You don't eat vinegar salad dressings with a straw, vinegar can irritate teeth and gums, try not to leave it on your teeth to long. If you can't brush in 30 minutes or an hour deactivate the acid with a toothpaste rinse if you can't do that use plain water to rinse it won't work as well but it's better than nothing at all. Also eating foods that deactivate acidic food can help.

Be cautious about it because it is serious stuff.

Reuseable straws don't work for everyone. Some people have disabilities that require them to use one time use straws. This is something to keep in mind when making changes to laws.

For those who can use reusable straws.

Home Use Reusable Straw link

Travel Keychain Reusable Straw link

There's articles online that state

If you used the plastic one time use straws make sure they get into the trash in California the recycle bins have a circle with straws inside the circle and  a line across it conveying no straws!

And make sure to dispose of the plastic floss picks and brush picks properly. 

Proper disposal helps so none of the plastic will hurts animals find out what's proper in your area.


The Toothwash House Idea

There wasn't always a medical specialty called dentistry. Barbers use to pull / extract human teeth. Someone advocated for the creation of a medical professional to extract teeth etc.

I'm suggesting we advocate for a medical specialty of toothbrushing really tooth and gum washing thoroughly. It will lessen and prevent not only peridontial diseases but many other diseases as well and improve the quality of life of millions of people.

A doctor or nurse family practitioner can currently refer a person to a physical therapist or osteopath. A dentist and or a family practitioner should be able to refer a person to the Tooth Washing department.

To thoroughly clean all around the necks of the teeth and along the gingival margin in between teeth and the other hard places to reach.

And of course still have ToothWash Houses in communities similar to having  acupressurist and acupuncturist they often compliments each other. The same could be for the community ToothWash Houses and Tooth & Gum Wash Specialist and Department in a dental hospital or clinic system and private practice. 


  This will also acknowledge how if left  untreated can cause debilitating illnesses. And provide medical assistant and support with treatment of thoroughly cleaning in between teeth, the tooth edge / gingival margins etc. that people need help with. 


Currently the state of things concerning this is the people who are going through it have to advocate for the creation of and the providing of this type of medical service.

This should have a place in alternative medicine and traditional western medicine.

Denticola Treponema

Did you know the bacteria the dental or oral bacteria  "treponema denticola" the cousin of the three species of "Borrelia burgdorferi, Borrelia garinii, and Borrelia afzelii." bacteria  that causes Lyme Disease and the Treponema pallidum bacteria, which causes Syphilis? All three have a bacteria called spirochetes that look like squiggles and move like corkscrews.

Treponema denticola is only one of the more than 500 species of dental or oral bacteria that have been identified, like syphilis is has a spirochete shape. During the Tuskegee Syphilis Experiments they gave the involuntary participants toxic heavy metals to see what would happen(they were said to have received treatment when they gave them heavy metals).   It's not wise to follow the Tuskegee Syphilis Experiments protocols for teeth and gums with  metals so be careful not to take metals without in depth knowledge about it's effect on the body, because some metals are very toxic even in small amounts. Link to the Tuskegee Experiment notes, link


Please read about the information  on these pages for yourself before deciding if any of these pages contents are right for you and your situation. Read other articles to get more details about information mentioned here.


I'm  slowly updating the of the contents of  ToothWash House site.

The information on these pages is not to be used instead medical check-ups or other required medical services and or advice.


Update July/2024

Ourstory Of Toothbrushing: In the United States "it wasn't until after World War II that Americans started brushing their teeth regularly. U.S. soldiers brought the daily habit back home with them from abroad, and that helped make the practice popular." link

In addition to that history above education about dental hygiene didn't reach all areas of the United States right away. There were nationwide campaigns to educate more people that went on for decades. So there were still alot people the United States who didn't that education. And with that said that explains why 65% of people in the United States have some type of periodontal disease. 

  Its not just the patients it is also the dental schools and dental sciences as well. They have updated progressed with better methods of dental care. So they have changed over the decades because they've learned more about dentistry from research etc.

There is a recent new report about Japanese scientists who have successfully blocked the protein the stops tooth replacement after our second set of teeth grow in.

They've regrown teeth in mice successfully. They are ready to start doing human testing in September 2024. There are 58millipn seniors in Japan with atleast one missing tooth and 178 million in the United States. The scientist are hoping to make this drug available for  humans by 2030. This has been in the news recently as it was also the news a year ago. Some people have said this story is fake, I don't  know if its fake lots of news stations have reported on it. This link is to the Japan Times:  Link to written article. 

Recently I watched some of of Dr. Nemeth's videos,  the one where he talks about toothpaste has some good info. He said he personally doesn't use it anymore. It was kind of shocking to me to hear that. But it was interesting in terms of this it is a dentist saying this who has been in practice for decades,  he said toothpaste is just too abrasive so he uses water and says a water pick is important.  He explains why in detail his video about it. Its on YouTube here's the link for that video he also gives a serious warning about a type of fluoride that's dangerous for children 12 and under, he also gives a warning to adults about abrasives paste and powders. He has patients who still use toothpaste. Link

Posted  July/2024

WORMS In The Mouth! Rare Infestation In The Tongue and Gums 🪱

Doctor Nemeth has another interesting video about how he found out what was causing his patient to have a crawling sensations in her mouth at night. He says his patient was right. He said this was the first time he's seen anything like this. He thinks is pin worms or a related worm, a person can get it from contaminated soil. This patient purchased imported plants in contaminated soil from Mexico, some of the soil got in her mouth and a few months later she had this issue. It great that he listened to his patient! And great that he believed her enough to do test and it turns out it was real and he helped her. I love happy endings ❤ I'm  sure he is one of that person's heroes. Link